Many women suffer silently with issues concerning their vaginal health that result from childbirth, aging, and menopause.  Physicians and researchers have been working to alleviate the discomforts that women experience including lack of lubrication, pain during sex, stress urinary incontinence, chronic infections and difficulty in achieving orgasms. Two of the treatments that are gaining the most popularity are rejuvenation treatments and the O-Shot. Let’s take a look at each in order to help determine which may be best for you.


ThermiVa is a treatment that uses radio-frequency energy to trigger the production of collagen in the vaginal walls.

*Individual Results May Vary

This energy is delivered by a small hand-held probe that is inserted into the vaginal canal for 15 to 20 minutes per treatment.  The increase in collagen strengthens vaginal muscles, increases lubrication, and helps to achieve a tighter-feeling vaginal canal. Patients may need more than one treatment to achieve the desired results. Three treatments spaced a month apart, and commonly prescribed with an annual treatment each year thereafter. There is no downtime with this treatment.

The O-Shot

This O-Shot is an in-office procedure that uses a special method to isolate platelet-rich plasma from your own blood and inject it back into the clitoris, labia, and vaginal canal opening.

the O-shot Rockwall Texas

This treatment is a painless way to rejuvenate vaginal and clitoral function and give the patient increased sexual desire, increased lubrication, and decrease urinary stress incontinence. These treatments take 30 – 60 minutes. Most patients see results in one to two weeks and some patients will need more than one treatment to achieve the desired results. There is no downtime involved with this procedure.

Everyone is so professional and informative about the service you are receiving. Everything is so nice and clean and very relaxing.

Madeline W, Juvanew Medspa

Which One Is Right For Me?

ThermiVa and the O-Shot are both effective treatments for any woman’s intimate health concerns. Both treatments work to increase vaginal lubrication, to decrease stress urinary incontinence, to tighten vaginal muscles that have been stretched during childbirth or that have become weak with aging, and to increase sexual desire and pleasure in women.  A consultation with your physician is the absolute best way to determine which of these two great options would be best for you.

I always have a great experience. The staff is friendly and welcoming. Terry is easy going and explains everything thoroughly. Its pressure free and many options are provided. I can’t wait until my next visit.

Amanda T., Juvanew Medspa

Take the Next Step

Now that you are armed with information and the desire to improve your feminine health, it’s time to take the next step and schedule your complimentary consultation with the trusted physicians at Juvanew Medspa. They are located in Rockwall, TX where they serve Dallas, Heath, Garland, Greenville, and Royse City.  Call (214) 771-4611 or fill out and submit the form on this page.

*Individual Results May Vary