Exercise and healthy eating may not protect your jaw from unwanted fat, and once it’s there, it can be challenging to get rid of. Fortunately, Kybella® is an FDA-approved, non-invasive treatment for excess fat under the chin.
What is Kybella®?
Kybella® is an injectable treatment for submental fat, commonly known as double chin. It uses a chemical called deoxycholic acid, which naturally occurs in your body and helps dissolve fat cells. When Kybella® is injected into extra fat under the chin, this natural chemical breaks down fat cells while protecting the surrounding tissue.
How Many Kybella® Treatments Will I Need?
Once the fat cells have been destroyed and absorbed by your body, they can’t come back. It may take a few treatments to eliminate enough fat for optimal results. Most people need two or three Kybella® treatments for the best results, but you can have up to six treatments at one-month intervals to achieve your ideal improvements.
You can expect the effects of Kybella® to last for several years. As long as you practice a healthy lifestyle and good weight management, your newly slimmed chin will no longer store excess fat.
What to Expect With Kybella®
Kybella® is a safe, effective, and convenient treatment. At your appointment, a Juvanew Medspa specialist will apply a topical numbing cream to your jaw to minimize any discomfort. You will receive several small injections around your chin, which should take 15-30 minutes.
A Kybella® treatment shouldn’t hurt, though you may feel a slight warming sensation. You’ll be able to return to your daily routine immediately, with no downtime. Mild tenderness and swelling at the injection site are normal for a week or two after the treatment.
Kybella® Results
After a Kybella® injection, your body will begin breaking down the targeted fat cells and filtering them out. You should start seeing results after three or four weeks. If you need another injection, it may take longer to notice a change. During your consultation at Juvanew Medspa, your Kybella®-trained specialist will discuss your aesthetic goals and help you determine an individualized treatment plan.
Once Kybella® has had time to work, you’ll see noticeable improvements to stubborn excess fat around your jaw. You can expect a more defined chin and a slimmer, contoured neck and jaw.
Am I a Good Candidate for Kybella®?
Kybella® is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment for double chin in adults. If you want to address persistent fat under your chin for a sleeker profile and greater confidence, Kybella® may be exactly what you’re looking for.
Ideal candidates for Kybella®:
- Eat well and exercise regularly but can’t get rid of submental fat
- Are genetically predisposed to fat under the chin
- Are non-smokers
- Want a non-invasive solution for double chin and have realistic expectations for Kybella®
I have been a long time customer and every visit exceeds expectations! Highly trained staff with top notch equipment will provide you with optimal results in a multitude of services. Juvanew does not try to up-sell you on services you don’t want but focuses on issues that concern you. Extremely professional and family oriented toward their clients.
Take the Next Step
Are you ready to try Kybella®? It’s time for you to take the next step by scheduling a consultation with the expert staff at Juvanew Medspa. They are located in Rockwall, TX, where they serve Dallas, Heath, Garland, Greenville, and Royse City. Call (214) 771-4611 or fill out and submit the form on this page.
*Individual Results May Vary