Sometimes it seems no matter how much we exercise or how healthy our lifestyle is, we still can’t seem to get rid of stubborn fat under the chin. A double chin can leave you feeling unconfident and embarrassed, but you don’t have to deal with it forever. Kybella® could be the solution to giving you a sharp and defined jawline.
What is Kybella® and How Does it Work?
Kybella® is an FDA-approved injectable that treats double chins without the need for surgery. Kybella® contains deoxycholic acid, a compound that occurs naturally in the body and targets fat cells while preserving surrounding healthy tissue. As time passes, the body will flush the fat cells out through its metabolic processes. The result is a more contoured jawline and an improved facial profile.
You will be administered treatment by a healthcare specialist at Juvanew who has received training in Kybella®. Kybella® is non-invasive, and the procedure consists of a number of small injections that our Juvanew healthcare specialist will administer beneath the chin. Your desired results will determine the number of injections you need, and the injection process will take between 15-20 minutes.
How Long Does Kybella® Swelling Last?
Swelling after Kybella® treatment is normal and can occur due to your skin reacting to the process of the deoxycholic acid breaking down the fat cells in your chin. Swelling typically subsides after about a few weeks after treatment.
If you are experiencing swelling after your Kybella® appointment, you will need to wait until the swelling subsides to receive treatment again. Some options you may be able to consider to reduce swelling are:
- Using cold packs or ice
- Using a warm compress for the first few days after your procedure
- Over-the-counter pain medications
Every case is unique, so be sure to ask your Juvanew provider what methods to reduce swelling are appropriate for you.
What Results Can I Expect From Kybella®?
You should be able to see noticeable results within a month after your Kybella® procedure. If you require another treatment, it may take a few months to see results after you complete your Kybella® treatment plan.
Results from Kybella® can last several years if you follow a healthy diet and exercise regimen. Kybella® can be an excellent solution for individuals who struggle with excess fat under their chin and want to achieve a sleek, contoured jawline without surgery.
Is There Any Downtime With Kybella®?
Kybella® is non-invasive, which means there is no downtime associated with the procedure. After your appointment, you are free to continue your regular daily routine as usual. You may experience moderate swelling for the first few days after your treatment, so you may choose to have a small amount of social downtime.
I have been a long time customer and every visit exceeds expectations! Highly trained staff with top notch equipment will provide you with optimal results in a multitude of services. Juvanew does not try to up-sell you on services you don’t want but focuses on issues that concern you. Extremely professional and family oriented toward their clients.
Take the Next Step
Are you ready to try Kybella®? It’s time for you to take the next step by scheduling a consultation with the expert staff at Juvanew Medspa. They are located in Rockwall, TX, where they serve Dallas, Heath, Garland, Greenville, and Royse City. Call (214) 771-4611 or fill out and submit the form on this page.
*Individual Results May Vary